2018 Officer Nominations
Each year at this time, First Pres has an elected Nominating Committee who manages the important task of nominating new Elders, Trustees and Deacons. We welcome your input on those you think would be faithful, passionate, dedicated servant leaders in any of these three roles. You may also self-nominate if you feel you are called to serve First Pres in one of these important leadership positions!
The persons called to leadership of First Pres should exemplify the traits summarized in our five values:
Radical Hospitality
Passionate Worship
Intentional Faith Development
Risk Taking Service
Extravagant Generosity.
Submit your nominations using the form to the right.
There will also be paper forms in the pews beginning September 24, which can be placed in the offering plate.
The deadline for submitting nominations is Sunday, October 8. After that date, the Nominating Committee will prayerfully nominate eight Elders, four Trustees, and ten Deacons to lead First Pres for a three-year term.