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4th Sunday of the month from 6:00-7:30pm

The PASG is a monthly meeting of parents, married or single. who have a child /adolescent with a diagnosis of ASD  The purpose of the group is to provide support and understanding while recognizing the shared struggles that parent(s) face while raising a child with ASD. Various therapeutic topics will be addressed throughout the meetings. However the underlying focus is for parent(s) to realize they are not alone in their journey. The common bond of raising a child with ASD is at the heart of the shared time together.

The group meets on the 4th Sunday of the month (starting April 28) from 6:00-7:30pm.


Dr. Tom DeGeorge is a licensed clinician who has worked in the field of Autism for the past 30 years. He was the Director/Clinical Supervisor of a Therapeutic Treatment Program for 18 years and facilitated parent support groups for ASD during that time. He has presented at international conferences in New Orleans and Oxford University on ASD and the parental impact. He is currently a Professor at Rosemont College in the graduate counseling department and a clinician with Philadelphia Counseling Services.

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