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Lent Dinner Hosting



We're looking for folks willing to invite 2-8 guests (you select the number) to join you at your home for dinner one evening during the season of Lent (February 14 – March 31). YOU pick the day and time; YOU pick how many guests you can host at your table. If you're willing to be a host home, complete the sign up form at right, to provide your name, phone, email, and how many guests you can welcome to your table. Once we have our schedule of hosts, we'll invite First Pres folks to sign up to join one of the gatherings. PLEASE sign up by Monday, February 5 so we can begin having signups for dinner guests.


It's all part of our "In His Steps" theme for Lent. For dinner conversation, we're creating a series of brief, simple reflections on scenes from the latter half of the Gospel of Luke, when Jesus is journeying toward his ultimate mission in Jerusalem. We'll provide an outline for suggested table conversation: looking together at the biblical passage, reflecting on what the text says about our own journeys of faithfulness, and just spending time to get to know one another better. So sign up now to be part of this exciting Lenten journey. Contact Pastor Steve Clark ( if you have questions or want more information.

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