Prayer Walk
During the week of May 23, we're asking church members and friends to take a prayer walk around town. You can pair up with a friend or go on your own, you choose the time and day, and you can walk it, run it, drive it or bike it! Before that week, we'll share a list of 15 locations in town (non-profits, nursing homes, fire stations, etc.). We're asking that you say a brief prayer for each of the organizations and its people (a prayer sample will be provided) as you do the walk. The church will reach out to each of those groups to let them know that we are praying for them. No need to sign up; although photos of your walk or a quick note to say that you did it are welcome! (Send to Elizabeth at Not a walker? A "virtual" walk at home with prayers would be great, too!
First WC Fire Company 70 Bradford Ave.
We give thanks for those to sacrifice their safety to protect their neighbors. Protect the firefighters who serve here from all danger. Shield them with your holy presence.
Justice Center 201 W Market St
God of justice and mercy, make your wisdom known in this place. We pray for the guilty and the
innocent, for those who seek and defend the truth, and that broken hearts might be mended.
Friends Association 113 W. Chestnut St.
Grant, O Creator, that your children might find in this place a balm for their spirits, refuge from the storm, and hope for the journey ahead.
Church Street Towers 222 N. Church St.
God be with all who struggle in mind, body, or spirit. Transform our world so that those on the edges move into our hearts. Strengthen the bonds of friendship between those who live in this place and their neighbors.
Hickman Nursing Home 400 N. Walnut St.
Heavenly Father, surround these dear ones with your love. Be with them in the difficulties and joys of growing old. Give them hope and joy in daily blessings. Give wisdom and delight to those who care for them.
Barclay Nursing Home 700 N. Franklin St.
Holy One, hold all in this place in your light. Strengthen the frail, welcome the dying, comfort the lonely, and give your compassion to those called to care.
Chester County Hospital 701 E. Marshall St.
Great Healer, rest your presence on all who enter this place. Bless the ill, comfort the grieving, and give your strength to all who wait with uncertainty. Rejoice in new life, and welcome home the dying. Give your strength to nurses, doctors, and all who serve here.
Good Fellowship Ambulance 600 Montgomery Avenue
Use this place and those who serve here to bring your healing and care. Give those who serve your strength as they serve in the trenches of care to your people. Guard their minds and hearts as they do your holy work.
Police Station 401 E. Gay St.
God be with all who serve here. Keep these officers and our community safe from harm. Help them give protection to the fearful and establish bonds of love and trust with those whom they encounter.
Safe Harbor 20 N. Matlack St.
May these walls be a shelter and reflection of your care, O God. In meals shared and comfort given, might your presence be made known.
Salvation Army 101 E. Market St.
Holy One, you created us to live in community. Bless those who gather here for worship, meals, and friendship. Grant that they might feel your Spirit in this place.
West Chester Food Cupboard 431 S. Bolmar St.
Bread of Life, might the food shared here fill bodies and spirits. Bless those who serve and those who are served in this place. Give them energy and good health in the days to come.
Goodwill Fire Company 552 E. Union St.
We give thanks for those to sacrifice their safety to protect their neighbors. Protect the firefighters who serve here from all danger. Shield them with your holy presence.
Fame Fire Company 200 E. Rosedale Ave.
We give thanks for those to sacrifice their safety to protect their neighbors. Protect the firefighters who serve here from all danger. Shield them with your holy presence.
Act in Faith 212 S High St (located in Holy Trinity Episcopal Church)
Let this place be a beacon of hope to all who find welcome in its doors. Remind us that in small acts of love, you do great things.
Denny Reyburn Building 30 W. Barnard St.
Gathering God, bless those who dwell in this place. Might their community thrive and serve as a beacon of friendship. Give strength to those who are ill or in pain.