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For the Pastoral Transition


Pastoral Transition Prayer Initiative – A Call to Pray

Our church is a time of transition and change focusing on a search for our new senior pastor.  During this significant time of uncertainty, we are asking that you pray for our church, the staff, and the work of the transition committee.  You will have two ways of doing this:


1) We're asking you!  While these will be individual prayers, there is power in knowing that many of us will be talking with God at one time about the same issue.  


The weekly e-mail will provide information about what to specifically pray for, so wait for it on Wednesday. Sign  


2) Virtual prayer sessions – Periodically, we will have a virtual prayer session from 10:15 – 10:30 (between the two virtual worship services).  The prayers will focus on specific needs of the church at that time especially as it relates to the transition.  There will be corporate reading of our Biblical story and a corporate prayer in addition to prayers lead by a lay leader. Information for the link to this opportunity will be in the Wednesday weekly email prior to the session. Future dates include September 27, November 22, and December 20.


Thank you for helping to lift our collective voices to God in praise and petition!

Prayer Schedule  

Thursday Prayers

April 7: Pray that the return to in-person and live-streaming will go well, and allow a meaningful experience for all participating both at home and in church; that all feel welcomed and loved; and that volunteers feel comfortable participating in greeting and running the live stream.


April 14: Continue to pray for the Transition Team (Kathy Bird, Doug Sherman, Elizabeth Guman, PJ Dakes, and Kathy Westhafer) – for the planning and execution of a congregational survey; and for integration of information from the survey and Community Conversations to help construct a vision of our church for the future.


April 21: Pray that, as we have moved through Lent and Easter, we will carry with us a sense of God’s presence, the hopefulness of new life, and a renewed mission to reach out into our community through the Matthew 25 Lenten Campaign – meeting needs of the least of these.


April 28: Continue to pray for staff and lay leaders as they move through this time of transition integrating more in person opportunities. Pray for their encouragement, strength, and renewal.


Upcoming Prayer Sessions

Coming Soon

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