Service Times

Traditional Service
9:00 a.m.

Contemporary Service
10:45 a.m.
Discover More
First Pres is a place where all people are welcome to worship. When you arrive at First Pres you will be greeted by warm welcoming faces at the entrance of our sanctuary or our welcome center. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions, whether it’s “where should I sit?”, “where’s the coffee?”, or “where is childcare”. We’re here to welcome you with open arms.
Children and Youth are a significant part of our community of faith. We offer childcare during the 9 and 10:45 services in our nursery with our professional childcare staff. After the Children’s Message at 9am worship our children leave for age-specific Sunday School classes, and at our 10:45am service children are invited to join our Kids Connect program. Children are always welcome in our worship services and are welcome to stay with you for the entire duration of the service. If you would like to take your child out of the service for any reason we have a great lounge near our fellowship hall where our service is streamed, and you can enjoy comfy couches, coffee, and an area for children to move around and play. For more information about how we welcome children in worship, click here.
Youth in 6th-12th grade are also actively involved in ministries and programs. On Sunday Mornings, Middle School Bible Study takes place from 9-10am and Youth Group (for 6th-12th grade) is every Sunday from 4-5:30pm. Lastly, all High School youth are invited to participate in Bible Study at Panera on Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm.
At First Pres people wear what they’re most comfortable in. At our worship services you’ll find people in everything from suits and dresses to jeans and shorts. Our 9am service tends to be a bit more formal and our 10:45am service a bit more casual, but you’re welcome just as you are.
First Pres’s church building, including the sanctuary, children’s areas, and fellowship spaces, are accessible by wheelchair. There are two accessible parking spaces in front of the building on Miner St, and two additional spaces on the Darlington St. side. Audio-enhancing devices and large-print hymn lyrics are both available for worship.
Street parking and the parking garages are free on Sundays!
Click the button below for a detailed parking map.

More Information
We are looking forward to welcoming you to First Pres. If you have any questions before your visit, please contact our Director of Engagement, Elizabeth Hess at or 610-696-0554.