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Practicing Radical Hospitality on Sunday Mornings!

YOU CAN BE PART OF A TEAM welcoming members and visitors to worship on Sunday morning. Sign up below: pick a Sunday that works for you, the service you prefer, one of three team roles you’d like to help with (described below), and plan to arrive 20 minutes before the worship service. Before your Sunday, you’ll be contacted by a Team Leader with final details THANKS for helping us practice radical hospitality!


Welcome people as they enter the sanctuary, give them a worship bulletin, and provide any help needed to find a seat in the pews. Also help with collection of the offering during the service.


Staff the Center before the worship service and for 10 minutes after, ready to answer questions (or find someone who can), provide resources, or give directions. (May be asked to help with collection of the offering during the service.)


Offer a warm welcome to people as they approach the building before the worship service, and answer any questions or provide requested directions to visitors. (May be asked to help with collection of the offering during the service.)

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